What's New at The Connections Group
Client Testimonial – Family Wineries of Washington
As a new grass roots professional organization, and more importantly, an all volunteer group focused on the Washington family wine industry, FWWS has gotten a real boost in its organization and numbers by The Connections Group – a local public relations/ political consulting company. They are helping us develop strategy focusing first on enhancing our political standing through increased membership and then helping us to attain this goal. In the span of a few months, they will help us creat and implemented a plan will tripled our membership. Indeed, when they began helping us we had about 50 members, and we are now at 74.
The Connections Group is also helping us grow our organization by adding benefits for consumers. Watch for the launch of “Friends of the Family”, a card-carrying group of wine-drinking consumers who will receive benefits for joining this affiliate of FWWS. FWWS Board member John Morgan who originally suggested such a program, is working with The Connections Group to construct a consumer-based voice to support family wineries. While other organizations focus on selling Washington wines all over the country, FWWS will focus consumer interest on buying Washington family wines right here in Washington State.
One excellent example of how the consumer team will work is in inviting FWWS to present the wines of our members to an exclusive tasting at a fundraising event of the Washington Health Foundation this November 15th. In one event we are able to present our wines to a new and desireable demographic and to network with politically involved people who are interested in the potential health benefits of our products. Unlike other events, this one will allow FWWS members to sell the wines that are tasted right at the event.
In one word this is synergy.
Paul Beveridge, FWW President
Alex Sloley, FWW Vice President
John Morgan, FWW Secretary-Treasurer